
Strategy: Meaning, Pyramids, & Relevant KPIs

Strategy aligns an organization’s mission and purpose with its long-term goals and objectives and varies among companies of different sizes. For instance, the degree of strategy required for a multinational company differs from that of a small or mid-sized company. But the applicable principles are the same for all companies.

Business environment is becoming more competitive and challenging due to globalization, evolving technology, regulations, including consumer taste and preference. Companies must, therefore, align their strategies with the changing circumstances to take advantage of the market conditions.



A unique set of coordinated and integrated long-term goals that distinct a company from its competitors. Strategy is a prerequisite to achieve a long-term success in the marketplace and to outperform rivals. Thus, it is essential for businesses to develop detailed but unique strategic plans that will deliver unique value, firmwide.

Essentially, companies must find a unique position in the business that can deliver exceptional values to the target customer segment and other stakeholder group.

Pyramids / Levels of Strategy

These include:

  • Corporate Level Strategy
  • Business Level Strategy
  • Functional Level Strategy


Pyramids of Strategy

Corporate Level Strategy

This is the highest pyramid of strategy within an organization. It is concerned with the top management’s overall strategic plan and direction for the organization. At this level, a set of actions are undertaken to enhance the organization’s market potential. Generally, corporate strategy is designed to accomplish synergy across strategic business units, such that, each business unit would have a common characteristics, corporate values, culture, brand, and processes.

However, when developing corporate strategy, the chief executive officer (CEO) should lead the process while other senior management team participate effectively. To achieve a beneficial outcome, the CEO should, inter alia:

  • Get the inputs or contributions from the board
  • Communicate effectively
  • Create a competitive working environment that motivate and allow team to develop creative and innovative ideas to solve business problems, and succeed independently
  • Design and monitor performance
  • Ensure effective implementation of the strategic plans companywide
  • Review and measure actual results with the plans.


In developing corporate strategy, focus is on the company’s long-term goals and objectives including:

  • Setting the company’s mission, vision, and values
  • Determining how the company can increase its market value through merger & acquisitions (M&A) or other forms of business combination
  • Carrying out viable investment opportunities or divest from non-profitable venture
  • Developing strategy that seeks to increase company’s value through diversification into new products and markets
  • Working to maintain current position in the market, especially during the period of uncertainty or when the business is experiencing static growth.


Business Level Strategy

At this level, strategy is designed principally to create companywide value to achieve competitive advantage. It focuses on how a firm can compete favourably in the market to achieve its intended goals of creating values for the owners, customers, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholder group.

Business level strategy involves allocation of limited scarce resources among competing functional level to achieve the overall corporate objectives. These resources, including people, technology, financial, tangible, and intangible assets, are limited in supply and must, therefore, be allocated judiciously to achieve optimal results.

Usually, business level strategy is designed principally to consider the elements that will have far-reaching effect on the business success, including:

  • market segmentation
  • product differentiation
  • pricing
  • technological innovations
  • marketing campaigns
  • risk management, etc.


For this purpose, the deep understanding of the business and the industry dynamics are requisite recipe to achieve the intended goals and outshine competition.


Functional Level Strategy

Also known as departmental strategy, are designed to improve the effectiveness of operations within an organization, focusing on resource utilization and efficiency. It involves the contributions of all various functions or departments including finance, marketing, manufacturing, human resources, logistics, etc. within an organization to the business and corporate strategies. Each functional units must align their separate objectives with the overall corporate objectives to achieve goal congruence.

Importance of Business Strategy

A business strategy is fundamental and essential to achieving a beneficial outcome in the marketplace for any organization. More importantly, strategy is designed to:

  • provide long-term vision and strategic direction for a business
  • help organization adapt to changing circumstances
  • judiciously and efficiently allocate the limited scarce resources among competing strategic business units.


Basically, strategy empowers a company with the ability to identify its strengths and weaknesses and how it plans to respond to the external threats and opportunities.

Measuring Business Strategy Success

Business success should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound (SMART), and must be consistent with the overall strategic corporate objectives. Successful business strategy should result in top and bottom-line growth and enhanced competitive advantage, if well implemented.

Hence, company must define and decide, which out of the plethora of performance metrics, should be used for measuring performance against plans, considering quantitative and qualitative measures.

When measuring business success, company must choose conscientiously the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter to the business wellbeing and linked to the organization’s overall performance.

In developing KPIs, company can adopt performance dashboards to present the selected metrics to the decision makers in a clear and simple manner. Generally, dashboards can aid visualization, allow comparison, and monitor progress.

Key Performance Indicators

Some of the KPIs that can be used to measure business performance include:

Financial Metrics

  • Revenue
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Operating Profit
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Dividend Per Share
  • Free Cash Flow
  • Working Capital
  • Return on Capital Employed
  • Return on Equity
  • Return on Assets
  • Debt to Equity (D/E)

Customer Metrics

  • Customers Acquisition
  • Repeat Customer Sales
  • Customer Retention Rate
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Churn Rate
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Value and Lifestyle (VAL)

Employee Metrics


Competitive Metrics

  • Market Share
  • Brand Awareness and Recognition
  • Public Relations
  • Sales Growth vs Industry Standard

Do you need help creating a strategic plan for your business or want to measure your business success? At Adda, we can collaborate with you to get the job done.

At Adda, we pride ourselves with highly experienced and committed professionals willing and ready to collaborate with businesses to create value

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