
Tax is an inevitable charge on the income of individuals and companies by the government. Today’s business environment is becoming more volatile and challenging as a result of globalization and technology. Businesses must continually improve performance (which is a function of tax) and scan the operating environment to identify and tap on the enormous available opportunities, while consolidating on their strength in the marketplace.

Our tax professionals are committed to helping clients minimize regulatory and compliance risks by ensuring compliance with the relevant tax legislation and making timely filing of returns. We will legally restructure your tax system to minimize your tax burden.

Our tax services include but not limited to:

  • Companies Income Tax
  • Filing of Annual Returns
  • Partnership
  • Pay Roll
  • Personal Income Tax (PAYE)
  • Tax Advisory
  • Tax Audit
  • Tax Compliance
  • Tax Management Consulting
  • Tax Planning
  • Transfer Pricing

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Together we can create increasing value for your business and promote its corporate image to a prominent standard

At Adda, we pride ourselves with highly experienced and committed professionals willing and ready to collaborate with businesses to create value

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