
Investors and other users rely heavily on the information contained in the general-purpose financial statements produced by a company to make business and investing decisions.

At Adda, we provide a fair and objective view on the quality of the financial information produced by a client to ensure it is reliable and capable of enhancing investors’ confidence.

We have our in-house methodology integrated with evolving technologies and designed principally for a specific assignment. Our approach at Adda is consistent with the international standards on auditing and in consonance with the local and professional dictate and requirements.

Our Assurance services include:

  • Information Systems Assurance
  • Internal Audit Functions
  • Internal Control Evaluations
  • Risk Assurance
  • Statutory and Non-Statutory Audits.

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Together we can create increasing value for your business and promote its corporate image to a prominent standard

At Adda, we pride ourselves with highly experienced and committed professionals willing and ready to collaborate with businesses to create value

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